MY119FS Shoulder sleeve M - M120FS L size

€ 74.90

MY MOBILITAS therapy is based on foam ridges contained within an air-permeable fabric called Mobitex®. This special fabric is highly flexible in length, width, and depth, allowing for a comfortable wrap around different body parts. When the fabric comes into contact with the skin, the foam ridges activate their elasticity, alternating phases of pressure and relaxation, creating a massage that leads to muscle relaxation and increased blood circulation.

The friction caused by movement generates body heat, producing a slight and beneficial increase in skin and muscle temperature. If the massage movement leads to excessive heat, the “pump effect” created by the MY MOBILITAS band releases it externally while drawing in fresh air through the Mobitex fabric and onto the skin. The micro-massage of the skin and muscles helps improve blood circulation and increases muscle tissue metabolism.

MY MOBILITAS therapeutic bands are recommended for:

  • Rheumatism
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Pre- and post-sport activities
  • Post-operative phase

This is a Class I medical device. Please read the instructions carefully before use. Authorization of 10/09/2015.

Category Medical

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