Information we collect

Chelsea & Co. LTD MT22192504
Information we collect

Most of the personal information which we may collect about you through this website is given to us only if you choose to give it to us.

Such personal information may be requested from you when you fill in a field (e.g. to submit a vacancy, sign up for our newsletter or fill in any other form with your questions and comments or any other form or application downloaded through or from M&Z p.l.c.’s Website. If you send us emails, then the personal data we process will depend on what you send us in the email.

The information we collect from you normally includes the following:

Name + Surname;
Contact Details;
Email address
Home Address
Telephone Number
Date of Birth;
Payment Information;
Information from accounts you link to us;
Your responses our surveys and competitions; Purchase History and Saved Items;
Information about your device (phone or laptop) with which how used our website;
If you apply for a vacancy other information will be request (see the section on recruitment below)

Check out the next sections to understand how and why we use this information.

Some other information is given to us because you accessed this website (e.g. logs, recorded through cookies). This is explained in the Cookies section below.

For some of the uses of your personal data (as described above) there is a legal basis under applicable data protection laws for us to use such personal data without having obtained your consent.

This includes, for example, where it is necessary for us to use the information to perform a contract with you or take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you, such as to process your order, provide customer-care and support services to you.

It also includes circumstances (such as we have described below) where we have a legitimate interest to use your data, provided that proper care is taken in relation to your rights and interests:

to ensure that you know about any changes to the website or the terms of this Privacy Policy.
to ensure that we organise our databases efficiently and understand how our clients may make purchases;
to carry out research and analysis of your data (including purchase information) as this helps us understand our clients better, who they are and how they interact with us;
to improve and ensure the security of the website (for example, for statistical, testing and analytical purposes, troubleshooting).
We do not, and will not, sell any of your personal data to any third party – including your name, address, email address or credit card information.
We would normally communicate to you about products or services in which you have shown interest – we understand that you would be interested in receiving this information as it is of use with the product or service. But rest assured, you can ask us to stop.

Also, if you have said we can (i.e. you gave us your clear confirmation), we will send you marketing messages by email or SMS, to keep you aware of what we’re up to and to help you see and find our products.
How to stop marketing messages from us

You can stop receiving marketing messages from us at any time through any of the following methods:
The right to access the personal information we hold about you;
You can access the personal data we hold on you by contacting us